Start a new business for as low as $0!!!
What if I told you that you could join a worldwide company that's not only on the New York Stock exchange, but got to ring the bell twice? Not everyone gets that honor! And being a publicly traded company means that the company has to be transparent and accountable.
The products are natural wellness and they recently introduced what may be the best collagen on the market (find it on my link below). The lady that introduced me to these products is a local doctor - there are many professionals in the areas of health and wellness that are excited about this company and I think that speaks volumes!
The products are amazing - I've been using them for about 5 years now. There are lots of clinical studies and patents backing the products. ABC's Primetime featured the flagship product on one of their episodes back when this product was sold on store shelves only in the US. And what did their investigation of the product find? Well, they found that it was as good as advertised! You can watch that episode here:
ABC Primetime Investigative Report
This is the flagship product that the investigative report was done on, and if I could only pick two of this company's products to use, this would definitely be one of them! It's undergone some name and packaging changes since that report, and it's no longer available on store shelves, but otherwise it's still the same amazing product and is available in many countries around the world!
In case you're wondering, this is the 2nd product I'd pick if I could only pick two of the products. Not only does it taste good and it's good for me, but it's refreshing taste helps me drink enough water during the day. I like to add slices of fruit such as lemons, limes, grapefruit and oranges to make it even better!
Now that you know why I'm so impressed by this company and a little bit about the products, you may want to check out the business-side of it! You can now join this business for $0 in Canada, or choose from one of the product packs! The entry costs vary by country, so when going to my site please be sure to select your country in the menu to see relevant pricing and offers.
You can join the business-side just to get a discount on the products, or you can build a business at your own pace. There are no minimum sales (or purchases) required and never any pressure to sell - but there is so much support there if you need it.
If you find any of this enticing, please visit my site and/or send me a message through the "Contact Me" link under the "Quick Links" section at the bottom of this page and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.